
Upholding Ethical Considerations

It is imperative that the highest ethical standards are upheld through each phase of a study ( see 🔗 Mitigating Ethical Risks: PDF↓). Research ethics ensure that we are accountable to, and build a  relationship of trust and mutual respect with, study participants - this relationship is also critical to obtaining high-quality, reliable data. Research ethics also ensure that the public can trust the study findings, and are required for publication.

All studies at the IRC are reviewed to ensure that ethical principles are respected.

Does your study need IRC’s Institutional Review Board approval or advice? See IRB documents -> and see decision tree below.

What are specific ethical issues that emerge in humanitarian research?

Based on years of conducting research, we know there are specific concerns that can emerge. For instance, how do we think about a comparison group when needs are immense in an acute setting? How do we ensure we have appropriate ethical reviews for research in acute emergencies that does not delay implementation of potentially life-saving services? How do we analyze risks along ethical, religious, or other identities that may be particularly important considerations in conflict-affected settings? How doe we work with and for survivors of violence? Check out additional tools on the context specific issues and vulnerable populations below.

For peer-reviewed analyses on these issues, please check out:

🔗 Falb K, Laird B, Ratnayake R, Rodrigues K, Annan J. (2019) The ethical contours of research in crisis settings: five practical considerations for academic institutional review boards and researchers. Disasters 43(4).

🔗 Falb K, Annan J. (2021). Pre-positioning an evaluation of cash assistance programming in an acute emergency: strategies and lessons learned from a study in Raqqa Governorate, Syria. Conflict & Health.

🔗 Contreras-Urbina M, Blackwell A, Murphy M, Ellsberg M. (2019) Researching violence against women and girls in South Sudan: ethical and safety considerations and strategies. Conflict & Health.

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How do I know if I need IRB approval?