Welcome to the Humanitarian Research Toolkit!
Practical tools to conduct better research in conflict & crisis settings
Are you working in a humanitarian setting or with vulnerable populations?
In this section, we provide guidance and tools about adapting studies to different humanitarian contexts, including acute emergencies, natural disasters, and remote studies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
In this section, you will find guidance about conducting research with vulnerable populations such as children, survivors of violence, people living with disabilities, refugees, and displaced populations.
Why did we create a Humanitarian Research Toolkit?
There is a lack of proven, cost-effective, scalable services for people affected by crisis.
And we know humanitarian research requires strong preparedness coupled with the ability to adapt.
We are rising to the challenge of generating evidence for solutions to improving lives in places affected by conflict and disaster.
The IRC’s Airbel Impact Lab is one of the largest contributors of impact evidence among humanitarian response agencies..
Based on our experience in implementing more than 100 studies in the past decade, we created a set of tools, templates, and guidance to help researchers navigate common challenges in humanitarian research implementation.
In this toolkit, we offer guidance on topics including, amongst others:
Ensuring the welfare and rights of diverse and vulnerable participants affected by conflict or crises,
Pre-positioning studies in acute and insecure settings
Collaborating across multiple partners and actors to implement complex studies in a fragile environment.
IRC Research Standards Across Design, Implementation, and Uptake
IRC Research Standards provide a roadmap for all studies conducted by, or in collaboration with, the the IRC. provide guidance on best practices on how to set up research studies for success. All research studies at the IRC must meet the IRC Research Standards and are monitored through quality assurance processes.
Our Research Standards include: Study Design, Resourcing, Research Management, Ethics, Data Collection & Protection, Cost-Effectiveness, Transparency, Use of Findings, Learning, and Equity in Research.
Under each standard, we’ve organized tools, documents, and guidance that you might find helpful. Simply put – it’s another way of searching through the Humanitarian Research Toolkit!
Not sure where to start?
Explore the essential tools first!
🔗 IRC Research Standards: PDF↓
🔗 Equity Research Standard: PDF↓
🔗 Glossary: PDF↓
🔗 Budget Guidance: PDF↓
🔗 Roles and Responsibilities Guidance: PDF↓
🔗 Data Collection Guidance: DOC↓
Let’s connect!
Would you like to know more about the Humanitarian Research Toolkit? Do you have an idea for a collaboration or maybe you would like to share your research projects and methods with us? Are you facing different challenges in conducting humanitarian research not covered by the toolkit?
Please leave us your e-mail and message in the form on the right and we will get in touch with you. Or send us an e-mail to humansubjects@rescue.org